Pettable Review: How I Got My Legitimate ESA Letter Online

Pettable ESA Letter review

I chose Pettable as my online ESA letter provider to ensure that moving to a new apartment with my emotional support dog would be drama-free.

When I began looking for a new apartment last year, it was imperative to make sure that my dog Andi could live with me in whichever place I chose. That’s because Andi is much more than a pet; he’s an emotional support animal (ESA). Andi’s companionship is crucial in helping me live a full life, even with the challenges associated with my anxiety disorder.

Dog parents who rely on an ESA to ease the symptoms of a mental health condition will undoubtedly understand the importance of ensuring that you can keep your ESA dog or cat in your home. 

Fortunately, federal laws like the Fair Housing Act (FHA) require landlords to permit assistance animals (including ESAs) to live with owners, even in housing complexes that typically enforce pet restrictions. If you have a qualifying mental health condition, all you need is an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional verifying your need for an emotional support animal. 

I used the online service Pettable to get my legitimate ESA letter quickly and easily from home, without having to seek out a new therapist or travel across town to attend an appointment. 

Overall, I was thoroughly impressed with Pettable, from the signup process to my mental health consultation and their professional customer service. I received an official ESA letter within 24 hours of my consultation. Now, I can look for a new place to live without worrying about having my application rejected or paying extra fees because of my emotional support dog. 

If you’re thinking about getting an ESA letter for your assistance animal, I’d recommend using Pettable. I had a fantastic experience getting my letter, and I know I can contact their team again if I get any pushback during my housing search.

To help others navigate the confusing world of ESA letters, I’ve described everything I learned about ESA laws and regulations. I’ll take you step-by-step through the process of getting an ESA letter from Pettable so you can decide for yourself whether this service is the right choice for you.

What Is Pettable?

Pettable review
Image credit: Pettable

Pettable is an online ESA letter provider that helps connect ESA owners with experienced mental health professionals who are licensed to prescribe legitimate emotional support letters.

Pettable’s founders are passionate about mental health and emotional support animals. They understand how ESAs can drastically improve life for people with mental and emotional disabilities. Their experienced team is dedicated to making the process of getting an emotional support animal letter as fast and simple as possible for every eligible client.

Who Can Use Pettable’s Services?

Pettable review
My dog Andi.

ESA owners throughout the U.S. who want official documentation of their need for an emotional support animal are excellent candidates to use Pettable’s services. Pettable can also help if you don’t have an emotional support animal yet but think you would benefit from one. 

To be eligible for an emotional support animal letter through Pettable, you must have a qualifying mental or emotional disability listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Qualifying conditions include anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, and many others.

How Pettable Works

Pettable ESA review
Image credit: Pettable

Pettable connects eligible individuals with licensed mental health professionals (LMHPs). The service ensures that each client works with a mental health professional who is qualified to practice in their state, which is required for a legal ESA letter. Pettable’s independent health professionals are qualified to diagnose mental health conditions and write ESA letters.

The LMHP evaluates the patient to determine if they have an emotional or mental condition that meets the requirements for an emotional support animal. If so, the LMHP writes and signs a “prescription” in the form of a customized ESA letter. Pettable offers ESA letters for housing or travel purposes.

How Much Does Pettable Cost?

Pettable offers several letter packages at different prices. For a single ESA letter designed for either housing or travel purposes, the cost is $149. If you want to get both letters, the package deal gives you a discount – the total cost is $199.

One of the great things about working with Pettable is that the company offers a complete money-back satisfaction guarantee. You can get the entire cost of your purchase refunded if you don’t end up qualifying for an ESA letter during your evaluation or if you get your letter and it doesn’t work as intended.

Is Pettable Legit?

Pettable ESA testimonials
Image credit: Pettable

Yes. Pettable is a legitimate provider of genuine documents that meet state and federal ESA letter requirements. Their letters are compliant with all relevant guidelines, including HIPAA.

Pettable doesn’t offer documents that aren’t legally viable, such as fill-in-the-blank letters or ESA registration certificates. To get an emotional support animal letter from Pettable, you must be evaluated by a licensed mental health professional to determine if you qualify.

ESA documentation from Pettable is written on official letterhead and signed by a licensed provider in your state. These are signs that an ESA document is genuine. Best of all, a Pettable ESA letter meets the requirements for protection under the Fair Housing Act, which requires landlords to make reasonable accommodations for assistance animals.

My Experience With Pettable

Pettable ESA letter

Andi, my Miniature Pinscher-Chihuahua mix, is one of the most important parts of my life. No matter what time of the day or night, he is always ready to sit with me and let me cuddle him. His comforting presence is especially helpful on days when my anxiety and stress are high (a regular occurrence during COVID). Without him, I would have a much harder time coping with my anxiety disorder.

While my current apartment allows dogs, I’ll be moving to a new place soon, and I need to be sure I can keep Andi with me. Most of the apartment complexes I’m looking at don’t allow dogs unless they are service animals (like a guide dog or a psychiatric service dog). Even the ones that do allow animals charge high pet fees, which I’m not sure I can afford.

I wanted to see if I could get a valid ESA letter before signing my new lease. A letter would allow me to prove to a new landlord that Andi is an assistance animal, so he is exempt from pet restrictions and extra fees. Since I’m not currently seeing a therapist for my anxiety, I thought that the easiest way to get an ESA letter was through an online service.

After researching several online ESA letter providers, including ESA Doctors and Certapet, I chose Pettable to get my signed ESA letter. The site is easy to use, and the company’s letters are HIPAA- and FHA-compliant. Pettable also says that their customer support team will talk to any landlords or housing providers who try to deny an ESA letter. That promise really eased my worries about talking to potential landlords about keeping Andi in my new place.

Getting an ESA Letter from Pettable: A Step-by-Step Guide

When I first visited the Pettable website, I was impressed by how clearly everything is explained. The homepage lays out the process for getting an ESA letter and answers some of the most common questions about emotional support animals.

Step 1: Taking the Prequalification Quiz
Image credit: Pettable

Pettable’s first step is to take their prequalification quiz, which takes about three minutes. I was also given the option to call them and speak with someone directly.

The questionnaire also covered the fact that travel laws have changed recently, and so only some airlines currently accept emotional support animals. The site asked me when I would need the letter and included several timing options.

Next, the quiz asked a few personal questions. I had to confirm that I was over 18 and provide the state where I live and my contact information.

Finally, the questionnaire ran through a series of questions about my mental health and emotional state during the last few weeks. There were questions about common mental illness symptoms such as feeling depressed, anxious, angry, or paranoid. Other questions referred to sleep issues and lack of motivation. 

When I finished the quiz, the site said I met the prequalification requirements for an ESA and took me to a page with payment options. To continue with the process, I chose a letter package and paid the fee. The pricing page stated that Pettable would refund the entire cost if I don’t qualify for an ESA letter after my evaluation.

Step 2: Evaluation with a Licensed Mental Health Professional

Pettable ESA letter

Although I was mainly interested in getting a housing letter, I ended up choosing the package deal that also included a travel letter. I figured that it would be good to have a travel ESA letter for the next time I fly to visit my family and want to take Andi with me. 

A few hours after I completed the payment, I received additional forms and waivers to sign via email. As soon as I returned those, I got a follow-up scheduling link so I could choose a time for my phone evaluation with the therapist. Pettable made sure to clarify that I’d be speaking with a medical professional who is licensed in my state.

I was a little anxious about the consultation, but it went so much better than I expected. My therapist, Rhiana, was friendly and helpful and explained every part of the process to me. I didn’t feel embarrassed or worried during the evaluation. She created a safe and comfortable environment for me to talk about my anxiety and stress levels and how my symptoms affect my daily life.

We also discussed how much comfort I get from having my dog with me. At the end of the consultation, she let me know that I was eligible for an ESA letter and told me I would receive it within 24 hours.

Step 3: Getting My ESA Letter

After my consultation, my ESA letter arrived via email in less than 24 hours.

I was really impressed with how official the letter looked. It was written on my therapist’s letterhead and included all my personal details and a description of my diagnosis. The letter clearly recommended that I should have an emotional support dog. It included the LMHP’s license number, contact information, and signature.

When I got my letter, Pettable verified that I could contact their customer support team for legal advice if I had any issues using the letter. In fact, the policy said that I could just tell the landlord to contact Pettable if they had any questions about my letter’s validity.

I’m relieved that I don’t have to argue with any potential landlord about my emotional support dog, and I feel good about the refund policy. If my landlord still doesn’t agree to let me keep Andi as an ESA, the Pettable team will refund all the money I spent on the letter. I think this shows that Pettable is really confident their letters meet all the legal requirements for FHA consideration.

Should You Use Pettable?

Why Pettable ESA letters
Image credit: Pettable

Based on my experience, I highly recommend Pettable if you need an ESA letter. With this online service, there’s no waiting for an appointment to open up with a local healthcare provider. Best of all, you won’t have to roll the dice on whether your landlord will accept your word that your dog or cat is an ESA.

Using Pettable is fast and simple, and you can get your ESA letter just one day after you’ve been approved. If you want the assurance of knowing that you have all the legal proof you need to keep your ESA in your home, Pettable is an excellent choice for getting your official letter.

Frequently Asked Questions About Emotional Support Animals

During this process, I learned a huge amount about ESA laws and regulations, and I’d like to share some of that valuable information with other ESA owners. This section covers some of the most common questions about ESAs, documentation, and access rights.

Do I need an emotional support animal? 

An ESA may be beneficial for you if a doctor has diagnosed you with an emotional or mental disorder. Animals can provide calming and therapeutic benefits for many people with mood disorders. 

What animals qualify as ESAs?

Typically, we think of cats or dogs as emotional support animals. However, there are no restrictions on which animals can become ESAs. The animal is eligible as long as it assists with alleviating your mental health symptoms. This includes birds, reptiles, fish, and other animals. 

Are emotional support animals required to go through training?

No. ESAs are not required to complete training, such as obedience or emotional support training. Getting your ESA trained can be very helpful, especially if you plan to bring them to public places, but it is not a requirement. The purpose of your ESA is to ease your disorder or disability symptoms with its presence alone.

Will landlords accept an ESA?

Yes! The Fair Housing Act recognizes ESAs and requires landlords to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities (including mental and emotional disabilities). The law prohibits discrimination against renters and buyers with disabilities and protects their rights.

Landlords or sellers cannot restrict the breed or weight of your emotional support animal. They must abide by the same guidelines as service animals. Emotional support animals are not just pets under the Fair Housing Act and do not fall under the same policies that a pet would.

Keep in mind that housing providers cannot impose fees or pet rent on your ESA. However, if your ESA causes any damages to the property, it is the tenant’s responsibility to cover the cost/ fee for the repairs.

If a housing provider denies your request for accommodations, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires them to explain. They must provide you with proof of financial/administrative burden, considerable alteration to their operation, health or safety risk, and/or proof of physical damage to the property.

It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the Fair Housing Act regarding your ESA. Doing this will help you combat any discriminatory situation you face when applying for housing.

Are emotional support animals required to wear a vest?

No! The law does not require ESAs to wear a vest. Wearing a vest may help notify others of your animal’s role. It is up to your discretion if they should wear one. The most common colors you will find are blue or red, with an identifying marker or patch that says your animal is an ESA.

What is an ESA letter?

An emotional support animal letter is a legal document that is similar to a prescription. It describes a medical professional’s official recommendation for a patient to have an emotional support animal to help mitigate symptoms of an emotional or mental disability.

Like a prescription, a legitimate ESA letter must meet certain requirements. It has to be drafted and signed by a doctor, therapist, or mental health professional and include their license information. You can only get an ESA letter after an LMHP evaluates you to determine whether an emotional support animal would help your condition.

What is an ESA certification?

Certification is a service that some ESA Letter providers try to sell as an additional way to verify your assistance animal’s legitimacy. However, there is no real certification or registration process for emotional support animals. A letter from a licensed therapist or LMHP is all you need to prove that your animal is an ESA. Paying for certification is a waste of money.

How long is an ESA letter good for?

There are ESA letters for different applications: housing and travel. Housing letters give you and your assistance animal the right to a reasonable accommodation under the federal Fair Housing Act. Once you have shown your landlord your ESA housing letter, you’re legally protected under the FHA for the entire term of your rental or ownership.

Travel letters show that you qualify for ESA programs that some airlines and hotels have. An ESA letter for travel is only valid for a year.

Can emotional support animals go anywhere?

Emotional support animals have access rights to some places. Under federal law, your ESA may live with you in your home. Your ESA can also ride in the airplane cabin with you if your air carrier allows it.

The law prohibits schools and employers from discriminating against students and employees who have disabilities, so you can bring your ESA to class and work. However, private businesses, hotels, and restaurants are legally allowed to deny access to emotional support animals.

Why I Recommend Pettable 

I had a wonderful experience with Pettable from beginning to end. The company makes the entire process of getting an ESA letter easy to understand and stress-free. Having my letter has helped reduce my anxiety about talking to my new landlord about bringing my ESA dog Andi to live with me.

I know that if the apartment management team pushes back on my letter, Pettable’s customer service team can handle the discussion. I’d highly recommend Pettable to anyone who wants to get legitimate documentation of their need for an emotional support animal.

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