What Are Prairie Dog Burrows like?

prairie dog eating grass

Prairie dog burrows are detailed with separate tunnels and areas built for specific purposes. These expansive underground dwellings have areas defined by the intended activities, such as nurseries, sleeping areas, and toilet areas. The burrows are home to groups known as coteries, which may consist of tens of thousands of prairie dogs. A typical prairie dog burrow may contain approximately 70 tunnel entrances, which are also built with clear purpose in mind—the prairie dogs set up posts for members of their packs to stand watch for predators and warn others in the pack. Prairie dogs may also rebuild their burrows as needed in order to update the design to better fit necessary activities.

prairie dog standing on a rock

More about prairie dogs :

  • The largest prairie dog town thought to ever have existed was discovered in Texas in 1900 and may have contained around 400 million prairie dogs.
  • Prairie dogs have a warning signal of precisely 40 barks per minute when predators are spotted in the area.
  • The population of prairie dogs, native to western North America, dropped 98% from the late 1900s to the late 21st century.

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