What are the Different Types of Clothing for Dogs?

What are the Different Types of Clothing for Dogs?

Dog owners often use clothing for dogs as a fashion statement, but many people purchase or make functional pieces of clothing for their dogs. Clothing for dogs includes costumes, cold weather clothes, warm weather clothes, accessories, dresses, T-shirts, shorts, pants and raincoats. Manufacturers of clothing for dogs even make clothing suited for large dog breeds. Costumes…

What Are Prairie Dog Burrows like?

What Are Prairie Dog Burrows like?

Prairie dog burrows are detailed with separate tunnels and areas built for specific purposes. These expansive underground dwellings have areas defined by the intended activities, such as nurseries, sleeping areas, and toilet areas. The burrows are home to groups known as coteries, which may consist of tens of thousands of prairie dogs. A typical prairie…

What is a Prairie Dog?

What is a Prairie Dog?

A prairie dog is a burrowing rodent in the genus Cynomys, part of the squirrel family. The animals were once widely found across the Great Plains of North America, but they began to be treated as pests in the 1800s, when they were subjected to mass eradication campaigns. Although prairie dog colonies, known as towns, do still exist,…

What are Sun Dogs?

What are Sun Dogs?

Sun dogs are an atmospheric phenomenon caused by the refraction of sunlight through ice crystals such as those hosted in cirrus clouds. A number of specific conditions must prevail for this phenomenon to form. Many observers miss them because they form close to the sun, requiring the viewer to look almost directly into the sun to see…

What is a Spiny Dogfish?

What is a Spiny Dogfish?

A spiny dogfish or Squalus acanthias is a species of shark. These sharks were once believed to be the most abundant shark species in the world and they were heavily utilized by numerous human populations. This resulted in overfishing. In some regions, this shark went from being considered a widespread nuisance to being a species considered vulnerable to extinction, illustrating how…

What is a Dogfish?

What is a Dogfish?

The term dogfish refers to sharks that belong to the order Squaliformes, especially the family Squalidae, that are found in many of the world’s oceans. It’s the common name for many of the 119 species of small to medium sized sharks that belong to this group. The most highly populated of the group is the…

Are Dogs’ Mouths Really Cleaner Than Humans’?

Are Dogs’ Mouths Really Cleaner Than Humans’?

Many people may have heard a myth that dogs’ mouths are cleaner than the mouths of human beings. This rumor is likely to stem from the fact that dogs are often seen licking their wounds, which rarely get infected. However, people who believe that dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans’ mouths are greatly mistaken, according to…

Can I get my Dog’s Teeth Cleaned Without Anesthesia?

Can I get my Dog’s Teeth Cleaned Without Anesthesia?

Though many dog owners do not think about oral hygiene for their dogs, it actually improves their overall, long-term health and also their breath. You can take several steps, including having your dog’s teeth cleaned professionally, to maintain a healthy mouth for your dog. Veterinarians offer professional teeth cleaning as a service, but most vets will use anesthesia to do it….

Do All Dogs Need Heartworm Pills?

Do All Dogs Need Heartworm Pills?

Veterinarians recommend that all dogs not currently infected with heartworms should be given heartworm pills. In the US alone, cases of heartworm are present in every state, and while there are some treatments, these may not help a dog in advanced stages of the disease. Dogs that are first infected may be completely asymptomatic, but as the…

Do Dogs Have a Blood Type?

Do Dogs Have a Blood Type?

Dogs have specific blood types, but the method used to classify them differs from the familiar ABO system used for humans. Instead, the dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA) system is used. An erythrocyte is simply a red blood cell, and an antigen is a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies. The actual number of blood types in dogs is…