Do Dogs Have Long-Term Memories?

Do Dogs Have Long-Term Memories?

Dogs are amazing animals, often exhibiting some of the same personality traits and nuances as humans. It is likely because of these traits and behaviors that people become so closely attached to their canine companions. Unlike humans though, it is difficult to study the inner-workings of a dog’s mind. Still, it is evident that dogs…

What are the Symptoms of Pneumonia in Dogs?

What are the Symptoms of Pneumonia in Dogs?

Some symptoms of pneumonia in dogs are rapid breathing, a bubbly cough that sounds like the lungs have fluid in them, and mucus coming from the nose. Other symptoms may be less obvious, such as running a fever, being depressed, and having a rapid pulse. The tongue and gums of the dog may begin to turn a blue or…

What are the Signs of Dehydration in Dogs?

What are the Signs of Dehydration in Dogs?

Dehydration in dogs is characterized by dry gums, a dry nose, dry skin and a loss of elasticity in the skin. A dehydrated dog’s eyes will also noticeably lack moisture and may appear to be sunken. One of the most sudden signs of dehydration in a dog is kidney failure. When a dog does not receive adequate fluid intake,…