What is a Dog Run?

What is a Dog Run?

A dog run is either a private or public fenced off area in which a dog can be kept confined and get exercise. Since most dogs will get into just about anything, a private area keeps them safe from potential hazards such as poisonous plants, chemicals, or the street. A public dog run, on the…

What is a Sheepdog?

What is a Sheepdog?

A sheepdog is a dog which has been bred and trained to work with sheep. Sheepdogs are often used in herding, to manage sheep flocks as they are moved and handled, and they may also work as guard dogs to protect the livestock from predators and poachers. A wide variety of dog breeds are used as sheep…

What is Dogwood?

What is Dogwood?

Dogwoods are plants in the genus Cornus. They can take the form of either trees or shrubs, and the dogwood group is actually quite diverse. Many gardeners like to plant dogwoods, because many species are extremely attractive, and some are also useful. Dogwoods tend to do best in temperate zones, and they prefer partial sun and…

What Are Citronella Dog Collars?

What Are Citronella Dog Collars?

Citronella dog collars are bark deterrents usually considered more humane and effective than shock collars. This type of collar sprays citronella oil under the chin of the dog, which irritates the animal because of its strong sense of smell. It is a type of negative reinforcement; the dog barks and then immediately gets sprayed with an irritating smell….

What are Dog Sweaters?

What are Dog Sweaters?

Dog sweaters are a popular form of pet apparel that can be both useful and fashionable. They can be especially useful for short-haired, elderly, and small dogs, who may not be able to keep themselves warm effectively during chilly temperatures. The sweaters are available in many styles, sizes, and fabrics, including wool, fleece, cotton, and even cashmere. Originally designed…

What are Prison Dog Training Programs?

What are Prison Dog Training Programs?

Prison dog training programs are programs which bring dogs into prisons so that prisoners can train them. These programs have a number of important functions, from training dogs so that they are suitable for adoption to providing prisoners with therapeutic experiences, and they have become quite popular in some regions of the world. A typical…