What is Dog Mange?

What is Dog Mange?

Dog mange is a skin condition that creates severe pain and itching for canines. Along with the discomfort, mange can also lead to scaling and scabbing that can become infected. The root cause of dog mange is the presence of mites that burrow into the skin and cause the body to attempt to expel the invaders and…

What Is Metoclopramide for Dogs?

What Is Metoclopramide for Dogs?

Veterinarians will sometimes prescribe metoclopramide for dogs that are suffering from nausea. Although the drug is formulated for humans, vets will often prescribe it as an off-label treatment for dogs with digestive problems. Metoclopramide can also be used to treat dogs after a surgery or as they are going through chemotherapy. In both cases, it helps…

What Is Phenylpropanolamine for Dogs?

What Is Phenylpropanolamine for Dogs?

Phenylpropanolamine for dogs is a drug that is often prescribed for urinary incontinence. It increases the strength of the muscles in the bladder and the urethra, which in turn prevents the leakage of urine. The use of phenylpropanolamine has some known side effects and complications that dog owners should discuss with their veterinarian. There are some restrictions…

Can Dogs Get Alzheimer’s Disease?

Can Dogs Get Alzheimer’s Disease?

Older dogs can get a disease very similar to human Alzheimer’s disease. They can become disoriented and forget once-familiar people, animals and surroundings. This is called Cognitive Disorientation Syndrome (CDS). Symptoms of CDS, or Alzheimer’s disease in dogs, include getting lost in familiar places and not greeting people as enthusiastically as they once did. Also, CDS…

Do Dogs Sweat?

Do Dogs Sweat?

Dogs do not sweat like humans, from the surface of their skin, to regulate their body temperature. Instead, dogs open their mouths and pant to reduce their body temperature. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the act of releasing saliva that cools down a dog. Panting allows oxygen into the body and helps evaporate…