What Are the Pros and Cons of NSAIDs for Dogs?

What Are the Pros and Cons of NSAIDs for Dogs?

Veterinarians most commonly prescribe NSAIDs for dogs to relieve swelling and pain associated with various conditions and diseases. There are some pros and cons to using these types of medications. While they have been proven very helpful in alleviating pain, discomfort, and inflammation, they also carry the risk of serious side effects. For this reason, when prescribing NSAIDs, veterinarians exercise…

What are the Most Common Types of Dog Diseases?

What are the Most Common Types of Dog Diseases?

Dog diseases come in a variety of forms, ranging from infections to disorders of the nervous system. Parvovirus, for example, is a severe disease that spreads quickly among groups of dogs and affects the intestinal tract. Arthritis is also relatively common, especially in older and overweight dogs. Obesity isn’t always regarded as a canine disease, but can…

What are the Most Common Dog Health Issues?

What are the Most Common Dog Health Issues?

Similar to humans, there are innumerable health problems that may affect dogs. The most common dog health issues include parasites, rabies, parvo, dysplasia, distemper, and leptospirosis. Several of these conditions can be prevented with vaccinations, good nutrition, and proper veterinary care. Others can happen to any dog in spite of preventative measures. The most common of dog health…

What are the Different Uses of Previcox® for Dogs?

What are the Different Uses of Previcox® for Dogs?

Virtually all dogs eventually fall victim to the degenerative disease known as canine osteoarthritis. This ailment primarily manifests in older dogs, but it can also occur in younger animals and puppies prone to maladies such as hip dysplasia. Previcox® for dogs is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) manufactured by Merial Animal Health, Ltd. It is used…

What Are the Different Uses of Diphenhydramine for Dogs?

What Are the Different Uses of Diphenhydramine for Dogs?

Diphenhydramine is an over-the-counter antihistamine that can be used to treat many medical conditions. It has been commonly used by human patients since the 1940s, and it is considered safe for dogs at lower dosages. The different uses of diphenhydramine for dogs include the treatment of insect bites, asthma, muscle tremors and anxiety. During an allergic…

What are the Best Breeds of Dogs for People Who Live in Apartments?

What are the Best Breeds of Dogs for People Who Live in Apartments?

If you are looking to get a dog, the best way to find the perfect companion is to do your research long before you choose him. Besides considering your taste and preferences in dogs, you also need to consider your living quarters. Some dogs do well in apartments, while others need large spaces for both…

What are the Benefits of Fish Oil for Dogs?

What are the Benefits of Fish Oil for Dogs?

Using fish oil for dogs can have a number of health benefits. Adding fish oil to a dog’s diet often helps improve the condition of the skin and coat, but there are other benefits that are not as easily visible. Fish oil also helps keep several internal organs in healthy working condition, and can be beneficial for…

What are Some Traditional Methods to House Train a Dog?

What are Some Traditional Methods to House Train a Dog?

To house train using traditional methods, the dog is given run of a space that allows for natural exercise and movement, and can relieve itself at any time. Aside from being the most humane method, this allows you, the owner, more freedom. You can leave the house for extended periods of time if necessary, such…