Which are the Best Dog Breeds for a Guard Dog?

Which are the Best Dog Breeds for a Guard Dog?

For centuries, dogs have served as guardians of their owners’ property, whether it be family members, homes, livestock, or land. While most dogs do this naturally to a certain degree, some dog breeds are definitely more effective than others because of their size, strength, obedience, and intelligence. Nevertheless, the choice is not a simple one….

Can Dogs Get Alzheimer’s Disease?

Can Dogs Get Alzheimer’s Disease?

Older dogs can get a disease very similar to human Alzheimer’s disease. They can become disoriented and forget once-familiar people, animals and surroundings. This is called Cognitive Disorientation Syndrome (CDS). Symptoms of CDS, or Alzheimer’s disease in dogs, include getting lost in familiar places and not greeting people as enthusiastically as they once did. Also, CDS…

Can I Really Buy Sunglasses for my Dog?

Can I Really Buy Sunglasses for my Dog?

As it turns out, dogs can fit the description of man’s best friend even better when dressed like one. Chic canines can now sport stylish protective eyewear to better match their owner’s look. Designed after a model of sporting goggles, sunglasses for your dog, or doggles, are now made with the purpose of protecting canine eyes…

Can I Really get a Hypoallergenic Dog?

Can I Really get a Hypoallergenic Dog?

The answer to this question is a very qualified “yes.” Hypoallergenic dogs certainly exist, but one must realize that hypoallergenic means “less allergens,” not “no allergens.” All dogs produce dander, the main culprit in dog allergies, to some degree, and a dog’s saliva and urine can also cause allergic reactions. Dander includes shed fur, but also flakes of…

Do Dogs Sweat?

Do Dogs Sweat?

Dogs do not sweat like humans, from the surface of their skin, to regulate their body temperature. Instead, dogs open their mouths and pant to reduce their body temperature. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the act of releasing saliva that cools down a dog. Panting allows oxygen into the body and helps evaporate…

How can I Find my Lost Dog?

How can I Find my Lost Dog?

For pet owners, there’s rarely a more frightening experience than discovering a pet missing. In the case of a lost dog, there’s often a frantic search throughout the house or yard, followed by a few dozen anxious phone calls to neighbors and local animal shelters. After that, the search turns to a slow drive through…

How can I get my Dog to Take Medication?

How can I get my Dog to Take Medication?

Getting a dog, or any pet, to take medication can be a challenge. Medications for dogs come in several forms including pills, liquids, suppositories, and injectables. Always discuss the medication options with your veterinarian when your pet needs to take medication, because the veterinarian may have some suggestions or be able to prescribe a medication…