How to Get a Legitimate Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter

How to Get a Legitimate Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter

If you have an emotional or mental condition that affects your daily life, you may find comfort and support in the form of a pet. If so, your cat, dog, or other pet serves as an emotional support animal (ESA). Some laws provide ESAs and their owners certain legal protections, and a legitimate ESA letter…

What Should I Consider When Buying Healthy Dog Food?

What Should I Consider When Buying Healthy Dog Food?

There is nothing healthier for your dog than eating fresh, whole foods chosen from the same shelves from which you choose your own foods. After all, there is no such thing as dog food, only food. The fresher and less processed the food, the better. If you prefer to buy prepared foods, there may be trade offs…

What are the Different Types of Illegal Dogs?

What are the Different Types of Illegal Dogs?

Illegal dogs include any breed of dog that is thought to be especially vicious and dangerous to the general public, regarding which a law has been passed restricting them in some way. There are no national laws that name certain dogs as illegal. There are a number of state, county, and city laws that restrict…

What are the Pros and Cons of Shock Collars for Dogs?

What are the Pros and Cons of Shock Collars for Dogs?

Shock collars for dogs are both praised and condemned. Animal activists, and proponents of training based solely on positive reinforcement, frequently cite shock collars as a cruel and ineffective method of behavior modification. Many professional trainers — particularly those who work with retrievers, spaniels, and other bird-hunting dogs — tend to believe the collars cause little…

What is a Designer Dog?

What is a Designer Dog?

A “designer dog” is a relatively recent term, often used to describe a selectively cross-bred dog from purebred parents. Some dislike the term “designer dog,” and argue that it’s no different than any other mixed breed. However, a so-called designer dog is often priced as high, if not higher than, a purebred dog. The cost…

What is a Dog Litter Box?

What is a Dog Litter Box?

One of the biggest challenges for dog owners comes from training their canine companion. One of the most tedious training processes is housetraining, which means training your dog to eliminate waste in a designated area. While most dog owners teach their dogs to go outside, some prefer to litter box train. Litter box training a…