What is a Dog Run?

What is a Dog Run?

A dog run is either a private or public fenced off area in which a dog can be kept confined and get exercise. Since most dogs will get into just about anything, a private area keeps them safe from potential hazards such as poisonous plants, chemicals, or the street. A public dog run, on the…

What are Prison Dog Training Programs?

What are Prison Dog Training Programs?

Prison dog training programs are programs which bring dogs into prisons so that prisoners can train them. These programs have a number of important functions, from training dogs so that they are suitable for adoption to providing prisoners with therapeutic experiences, and they have become quite popular in some regions of the world. A typical…

What is Dog Boarding?

What is Dog Boarding?

Dog boarding is a service offered by some veterinarians and pet boarding kennels, allowing owners to drop their dogs off for a set amount of time in exchange for a fee. While boarding, dogs are fed, walked, and cared for by kennel staff, who are responsible for keeping the dogs healthy and happy. Some boarding…

How can I Find my Lost Dog?

How can I Find my Lost Dog?

For pet owners, there’s rarely a more frightening experience than discovering a pet missing. In the case of a lost dog, there’s often a frantic search throughout the house or yard, followed by a few dozen anxious phone calls to neighbors and local animal shelters. After that, the search turns to a slow drive through…