How are Guide Dogs Trained?

How are Guide Dogs Trained?

Guide dogs help the blind and visually impaired regain their mobility and independence. They assist their owners in navigating through traffic, judge the height and width of various daily obstacles, and assess the danger involved in particular situations. Providing a companion that can be relied upon to keep its owner safe involves selecting the right…

How Can I Tell if my Dog Has Heartworms?

How Can I Tell if my Dog Has Heartworms?

At home, after considering whether preventative care has been applied in the past, basic observation is the best way to tell if a dog has heartworms. An owner sometimes can see that his animal has symptoms such as labored breathing, fatigue and joint pain, but in many cases, pets exhibit no symptoms until it is…

How Safe Is Cottage Cheese for Dogs?

How Safe Is Cottage Cheese for Dogs?

Cottage cheese for dogs is a safe option as part of a bland diet to combat diarrhea. Typically, a bland diet could include a mix of low-fat meat with cottage cheese or certain other bland foods. Many experts also approve of cottage cheese for dogs as an occasional treat or additive for dry food when used in moderation. Although some…

Is Debarking Dogs Inhumane?

Is Debarking Dogs Inhumane?

Debarking is a surgery performed on dogs that removes their ability to bark loudly. The procedure, which cuts into the vocal cords while the dog is under general anesthesia, is fairly simple and rarely has complications. Yet many believe that debarking dogs is not only unnecessary but also inhumane, that it does not fix underlying problems…

Is It a Bad Idea to Leave a Dog in a Parked Car?

Is It a Bad Idea to Leave a Dog in a Parked Car?

It is certainly understandable why some owners may choose to leave a dog in a parked car occasionally. The errand may literally take only a few minutes to accomplish, for instance, or the establishment may not allow animals on the premises. Leaving a dog tied to a lamp post or bicycle rack could result in…

What Are Some Types of Non-Shedding Dogs?

What Are Some Types of Non-Shedding Dogs?

Non-shedding dogs, or hypoallergenic dogs tend to provoke fewer allergies, and may prove easier for the person with slight allergies to dogs, or who simply does not want to clean up dog hair all the time. The term “non-shedding” is actually something of a misnomer. Even though dogs are often called non-shedding, they may shed a little…

What Are the Best Dog Breeds for a Family Pet?

What Are the Best Dog Breeds for a Family Pet?

Being man’s best friend, a dog definitely makes an excellent family pet, but some breeds are more suitable than others. The single most important quality is the ability to get along with children. A family dog should be easy going and tolerant, but also playful and a good companion. Some people may also want an…

What Are the Common Causes of Pus in Dogs?

What Are the Common Causes of Pus in Dogs?

Pus on a dog’s skin or fur is usually indicative of an infection or other skin problem. Infected wounds and abscesses, for instance, are two of the most common cause of pus in dogs. Parasites and inflamed hair follicles can also cause pus to seep from a dog’s skin as well. When bacteria is introduced into the body,…

What are the Common Causes of Swelling in Dogs?

What are the Common Causes of Swelling in Dogs?

The common causes of swelling in dogs include allergies, injury, infection, and disease. The swelling may occur in the joints, face, or internally. Diagnosis and treatment of swelling will vary depending on the type and location of the swelling. A veterinarian should be contacted at the first sign of swelling in a dog. Swelling in…